GoalSet Fitness

In a nut-shell


Goals + Accurate Food

The Trainer

Chris is one of Denmark’s best

Our Mission

To become the #1 fitness choice






1-1 Personal Training

A quiet place to train

We track your progress

Typical Services

Personal Training

Exercise Therapy

Online Coaching

GoalSet's overview

"Goals + Accurate Food = Your Success" 

GoalSet Fitness began in 2020. It’s concept is all about helping you reach your health and fitness goals. Your goals are our obsession – which means you’re likely to reach it. To do so, we use our very own formula:

“Goals + Accurate Food = Your Success” 

We encourage you to have a goal that you will enjoy. This could be anything, like walking 10,000 steps a day for 6 months or aiming to run a marathon. Having this goal will give you something to aim for and will bring meaning to your exercise. You will suddenly feel like all your hard work has a purpose, which makes the final reward so much bigger. 

About Chris

Chris is one of Denmark’s top personal trainers. He founded the GoalSet Fitness concept in 2020 and has been spreading the news about the concept ever since.
   With a 15 year fitness background and 7 years education in exercise, including a sports science degree, Chris has been offering his personal training, therapy and online coaching services to many. As such, he has helped client after client achieve their fitness goals.
   Within his first year of launching GoalSet Fitness, over 60 people were helped with their health and fitness goal – and his concept became one of the most successful in his local area, Køge, Denmark.  

Your training experience with GoalSet Fitness


From day 1 you will be treated with respect. After we have met you, set you up in our world-wide training app and having giving you suitable food guidance we will spend a couple of weeks getting to know you and your muscles. We will see how your body works and find out which exercise you like the most. This is called the discovery stage.

Your Goals:

After the discovery stage your training then gets very exciting. We will then talk about some fitness goals to agree on and work towards them. These goals will help you lose weight, burn fat, build muscle, gain strength, improve your general health, help make certain sicknesses more comfortable to live with and more. This is because goals for you to work towards bring a sense of purpose and challenge to your training. These goals can be anything from lifting heavy weight, speed training, endurance training and life-style changes. The plan then is work towards these goals, tracking your progress along the way making amends accordingly. 

The Training:

In face-to-face training and therapy sessions you will be enjoying a quiet environment, free from the judgement or distractions of lots of other people. We don’t like overcrowding at GoalSet Fitness and like to keep things spacey and stress free.
   So, approximately 80% of the time there won’t be anyone else in the gym during your sessions. If there is another person it can be the client before you doing some cardio or the client after you about to do a warm up – but that’s all in a separate area. Sound’s great, right? Now all you need to do is get in touch.