
Chris er en meget unik personlig træner. Han er kvalificeret terapeut og træningsfysiolog. Det betyder at Chris kan hjælpe dig med at nå dine fitnessmål og yde terapi, som f.eks. smerter i lænden. Og hvis du er sportsatlet kan han hjælpe dig med at blive en stor succes i din sportsgren.

Chris er en meget unik personlig træner. Han er kvalificeret terapeut og træningsfysiolog. Det betyder at Chris kan hjælpe dig med at nå dine fitnessmål og yde terapi, som f.eks. smerter i lænden. Og hvis du er sportsatlet kan han hjælpe dig med at blive en stor succes i din sportsgren.

Best Value

Konsultationpakker In a nut-shell

Here you can meet with your online coach 2 – 4 times in a month either online, over the phone or face to face in real life. In each session you will talk about your progress, receive advice tips, tricks and methods to help you with your goal. As time progresses, and you reach your goals, new goals can be made to help you reach your full potential. In at least one of your consultation catch-ups, it’s recommended to check your body weight using our InBody machine which checks your weight, fat%, muscle mass, all of which can be tracked and saved on an app. 


Here you can add a friend who has the same goal as you for 700kr each month. The goal, for example, must be something like weight-loss, build muscle mass or become faster at running. 

What you both get:
– 2 x 15 minute consultations each.
– receive identical services: app access, weight-loss food guidance, training program and opportunity for weight check-up at GoalSet Fitness. 


995kr pr. mdr.

2 Konsultationer pr. mdr.


1550kr pr. mdr.

4 Konsultationer pr. mdr.

4 x 30 mins

1099kr Monthly

4 sessions a month

8 x 30 Mins

1649kr Monthly

8 sessions a month

12 x 30 mins

2199kr Monthly

12 sessions a month

4 x 45 mins

1299kr Monthly

4 sessions a month

8 x 45 Mins

2199kr Monthly

8 sessions a month

12 x 45 mins

2999kr Monthly

12 sessions a month


Here you can add a friend who has the same goal as you for 100kr each month. You can both come together to the same consultation for a catch up with your trainer. Your friend will be given the same services as you: training program, diet, body weight check-up and access to fitness app.